Featured in Vogue

Featured in Vogue


So something pretty huge happened yesterday...my feature in the 2022 British Vogue holiday advertorial came out! And with it, I accomplished a multitude of very satisfying goals. 

Artavia Matthews Hoam Candle Company model

When I first got the e-mail about participating, I honestly thought it was fake. I set up a call with the representative and still thought it was fake. I told her I thought it was fake. She responded in her British accent that they get that response often and reassured me that it was in fact real and laid out the details. So I pressed forward with creating the campaign and the copy for it. All the while, still having this small bit of skepticism in the pit of my stomach. A bit that didn't disappear until yesterday when the actual feature dropped.  

Me Time Candle Lit

I'm so excited to share this because its Vogue obviously. But moreover because of what I did with the opportunity. When I thought about what I would want to be in such a prestigious publication, I first looked outside of myself. I had thoughts of booking a photographer, a studio, somebody to help stage the product, etc. But then something clicked inside of me. A lesson that I've learned time and time again flooded the forefront of my mind: "I already have everything that I need to meet any opportunity that comes my way." So I said no, I'm going to shoot it myself! I'm going to stage the product. And guess what, I'm going to use my apartment. But wait, let me take it a step further and put my MOM in the shots. And let me also use accessories from my best friend's brand. 

I decided that I wanted to make this opportunity about more than just me. I also wanted to pay homage to the woman who literally gave me everything and still supports me immensely to this day. My mom has been there for me at every step of the way throughout both my life and my entrepreneurial journey. She's modeled, purchased, funded, worked for and repped for everything that I've ever produced. So this was a thank you to her. A small one. But a thank you nevertheless. I can officially say that my mama is a published model in Vogue! I can say that my home, my photography, my friend have all been featured in Vogue. I'm so full! Make sure you check out the advertorial here

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